Arrive at 7:15 am for the Team Photo
All gator swimmers, including mini-gators, should be at the pool on time wearing their team suit (or team color suit – green and black, or team t-shirt). The team will be lined up for the team photo by 7:30. (The photographer will be set up by 7:00 to take individual photos for those interested.)
Time Trials
Immediately after the team photo, warm ups will begin for Time Trials for all registered 8 & under and older swimmers (or ‘lap swimmers’). The order of events is free, back, breast and fly. Swimmers will swim all four strokes, unless he or she has not yet learned the stroke.
We need three timers per lane. If we don’t have sufficient timers, we can’t run the meet. Go here to sign up in advance for this and other volunteer jobs. Timing is a great way to help with the meet and learn about how they work.