‘Gator Only’ Information on the Web Site
The swim team provides information we’d prefer not to share with the public but which is accessible to our swimmers and parents. Two examples are team photos and swimmers’ times. In order to secure this information we display it on a web page that requires the site visitor to login. Therefore, in order to gain access to the page you will need an account.
To register for the site, look in the left sidebar, near the bottom. Click, ‘register’ and create an account with a Username, Email and Password. All accounts will be checked against the swim team roster before they are approved.
Once approved, simply login to see private gator content. Links to swimmer times and photos will appear in the gator menu on the left of every page. If you aren’t logged in, those links won’t appear. Please remember, this account is for access to private Swim Team information only. You do not need an account to access most of the site, and this account is not related to your account for paying dues.
If you have any questions, please contact Ernie at ForestHollowWeb@gmail.com.
Our Webmaster Ernie Halal has done an amazing job with our website and part of that was creating a more streamlined process for sharing pictures during the season. The process for sharing photos is described on the ‘Event Photos’ page on the site (in the left nav). To view the page you need to be logged in. Only accounts approved and confirmed to be swim team members will be able to access it. https://www.foresthollow.com/event-photos/
For our Meets and other Team Events any parent can volunteer to be one of the designated “team photographer” . Jooners is being updated with all those slots and if you have a good eye, a good camera (my iphone/ipad works wonders!), enjoy taking pictures and can commit to taking as many pictures as possible of as many swimmers, coaches, parents and volunteers during our events, WE NEED YOU! Just sign up on Jooners. There will be a briefing for all our deck volunteers prior to each meet for a few minutes either with our Head Timer, Chief Official or Team Rep depending on your role. If you have any questions just email me at teamrepfhsc@gmail.com