LLS Swim-A-Thon Fundraiser & Pancake Breakfast: July 4, 2013

swimathonDSC_0437-LThe Forest Hollow Gators have a tradition of helping others, and our primary fundraiser is coming up!

We need pledges and donations for LLS, volunteers for the Swim-a-thon and breakfast and food item donations.

To volunteer for either or both events and/or donate food items, please go to www.foresthollow.com/volunteers/  The sign up for the food donations in on the same page.


LLS Swim-a-Thon

The Swim-a-Thon will be held on July 4th during your normal practice time. We’re asking that each swimmer collect pledges per lap (or a flat donation), and the proceeds will benefit the Lukemia and Lymphoma Society (LLS). Packets were distributed this week with information on the LLS and the donation process, and extras packets can be found in the marked box at the front desk.  This year we are also able to collect donations electronically (flat amount only).  You can forward the link provided to people willing to donate.  Please ask them to put down the name of the Gator that they’re sponsoring in the “Message to Participant” section under Step 1 of the process in order for the correct person to get credit for the pledge.

If anyone would like to pledge on-line, here is the link:
Please make sure to tell their donors that they need to put the swimmers name in the comments section to make sure that the monies follow the swimmer!

Dates to Remember:

  • July 3 – Please return the enclosed permission slip to the marked box at the front desk.
  • July 4 – Swim-a-Thon/Pancake Breakfast
  • July 17 – Pledges are due.  They can be returned to Michelle Healy, Sara O’Brien, or the team reps.
  • July 19 – Prizes will be given to the most successful fundraisers.

If you have any questions, please contact Michelle Healy at kevmit09@aol.com

Thanks for your support!

Information about LLS and the diseases:

  • The LLS strives to cure leukemia, lymphoma, Hodgkin’s disease and myeloma, and improve the quality of life of patients and their families.
  • An estimated 1,012,533 people in the United States are living with, or are in remission from, leukemia, Hodgkin lymphoma, non-Hodgkin lymphoma or myeloma.
  • Approximately every four minutes, someone new is diagnosed with blood cancer.
  • Leukemia causes more deaths than any other cancer among children, adolescents and young adults under the age of 20.
  • Lymphomas are the most common blood cancers and incidence increases with age.


Right after their swimming, our Gators can enjoy a wonderful pancake breakfast offered by our parents. We need parents to help in order to make this possible.

Below is a list of recommended items to fuel up 204 Gators that’s a LOT of mouths to feed!

If I’ve missed anything, or if you have any ideas/suggestions.


Pancake Mix
Syrup (real maple would be great, but I know it’s pricey)
100% fruit juice (all types)
Fresh cut fruit

-berriesIf you have questions regarding the Pancacke Breakfast please feel free to call Debbie Casey at 703.402.2670

Please go to our website volunteer page and click on the LLS Swimathon and Pancake breakfast sign up sheet. Please let us know what you plan on bringing so we can make sure we have all the bases covered.