Forest Hollow Swim Club is a shareholder owned and operated swim club in Annandale, VA. The swimming pool began operations July 3, 1965 and draws its primary membership from the Sleepy Hollow Run/Forest Hills neighborhood. Membership is primarily from shareholder members, although summer memberships are sold.
The swimming pool’s volunteers are members from the Forest Hollow community who generously donate their time and talent to make Forest Hollow a place to relax and enjoy the summers in the Washington metropolitan area.
The Forest Hollow Swim Club is proud to sponsor the Forest Hollow Gators Swim Team. The Gators are a spirited and talented group of children – age 4 to 18 – who enjoy the sport of swimming and enjoy the community spirit and atmosphere of Forest Hollow Swim Club. We encourage you to come out and support the Gators in their season. The sport of swimming is a competitive and healthy means for our children to enjoy the summer hours at Forest Hollow.
Because the pool is run by a volunteer board, we ask that you participate in making sure the pool property is maintained in a manner we can all be proud of. Come out and volunteer on community work days, be respectful of our neighbors and patrons at the pool, and if you see something needing done, contact a board member and then volunteer to take charge and fix the problem. Remember – it is our pool – our community – and our pride! Treat the pool with respect so we all can enjoy the summer sun together!
Forest Hollow Swim Club Leadership
Nick Morse
Jen Burita
Vice President
Jenny Cline
Matt Seney
Sleepy Hollow Community Representative
Shannon Blevins
Allen Martin
Molly Chilton
Swim Team Representative
Jamie DeSimone